
  • Ms Shilpa S Joshi Dr. P.T. Karule Research Scholar Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engg Nagpur Maharashtra India Professor Electronics Dept Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engg. Nagpur Maharashtra India



— The retinal fundus photograph are widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases such as Diabetic Retinopathy, glaucoma etc. Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the working age population. If the disease is detected and treated early, many of the visual losses can be prevented. An efficient detection of anatomical structures in retinal images is the fundamental step in an automated retinal image analysis system. This paper presents an algorithm for the segmentation of blood vessel and localisation of fovea. The blood vessels are detected using kirsch operator. The fovea is identified by finding the darkest region in the image following the priori geometric criteria based on anatomy of human eye. The candidate region of fovea is defined an area circle. The detection of fovea is done by using its spatial relationship with blood vessel.  The algorithm is evaluated against a carefully selected database of 139 ocular fundus images. The system achieves an accuracy of 90.7% for the fovea.


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