
  • Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Baloch ,



Prudent strategies that are aimed at alleviating poverty ought to identify the real factors that are associated with poverty and device integrated policy accordingly. This research focuses on rural poverty in Hyderabad, Sindh Province, Pakistan. The objective of this study is to establish the proportion of the poor households and identify factors that determine rural poverty. The analysis of this study is based on primary data collected from 296 households in Hyderabad District in January, 2016. A binary logistic regression model was used to establish the determinants of poverty in the study area. Results indicate that 62.8 percent of households in the district live below the poverty line. In addition, household head’s level of education, age, numbers of income earners and livestock ownership status are found statistically significant in determining a household’s poverty status and the probability of either embracing or escaping poverty. However, household occupation, size, female-male ratio and land ownership status weren’t statistically significant. This research suggests that improvement of existing policies on education, agriculture, specifically those touching on the livestock sub-sector, and employment is key to poverty alleviation for the study area.


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