
  • Virendra Singh ,Shweta Sankhwar Department of Information Technology ,BabasahebBhimraoAmbedkarUniversity, Lucknow, India
  • Dr. Dhirendra Pandey Department of Information Technology ,BabasahebBhimraoAmbedkarUniversity, Lucknow, India


Requirement engineering, Requirement Elicitation, Software


Requirement engineering is the most useful stage of software development process. It aims to gather good quality requirements from end user in the exact way. Requirements engineering for software development process is a difficult use that considers product load from a huge number of viewpoints, roles, tasks, and objectives. Therefore, it becomes required to affect requirement engineering in every stage of software development process. Requirement elicitation and development stage mostly focuses on examining and gathering desired requirements and objectives for the system from different viewpoints. Requirement Elicitation is very useful in developing any new application. The majority of systems fail just because of wrong elicitation practice. Without the elicitation techniques it is impossible to find out requirements and the needs of the developing system.



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Hickey, A.M. & Davis, A.M.: RequirementsElicitation and Elicitation TechniqueSelection: A Model for Two Knowledge-Intensive Software Development Processes.Proc. 36th Hawaii International Conferenceon System Sciences(HICSS’03), pp. 96--105. (2002).

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