
  • Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mr. Ajay Kumar Goel Dr. Rajasubramaniam Shanmugam Scientist E National Institute for Research in Tribal Health,(Indian Council of Medical Research),Nagpur Road, Jabalpur, M.P.



Purpose: This paper examines the level and determinants of maternal health care utilization in Baiga of Central India. Maternal health has ever been a serious matter of concern worldwide.

Method: The cross sectional study was conducted in three tribal blocks of Dindori districts of Madhya Pradesh in 2009-10. A total of 500 women of reproductive age were participated in this study and data was collected by trained investigators through structured questionnaire. The data was analyzing using the SPSS version 22. Descriptive statistics used for examine the level and logistic regression analysis was applied to estimate the effect of covariates.

Main results: Outcomes revealed that 72% women’s received at least one antenatal checkup. Majority of first antenatal checkup were received during second trimester. Most of children were delivered at home (92%) and age at delivery of first birth was observed to be 19 years. Institutional delivery was preferred by women who have taken ANC checkups during the pregnancy {Exp (B) = 2.127, 95% CI: 0.707-6.394}. About one-third women had knowledge regarding the utility of such services.


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