Political Assertion of Kashmiri Identity


  • Dr M. Shafi Bhat Centre for International Relations, Islamic University of Science and Technology Awantipora Kashmir


identity, multicultural, historical


The present study focuses on identities and politics in Jammu and Kashmir. It maps the identity politics of the stat with a view to represent the inner complexities of society and politics of the state. Such complexities assume importance in understanding the conflict situation of the state as well as in understanding the peace process. However, the present study goes beyond the context of conflict and peace process. It aims to locate the identity politics and society of Jammu and Kashmir in the perspective of the plural and multicultural politics of the state. The present work highlights the plural realities the state and focuses on social diversities and political divergence. It is an exploration into the multiple and overlapping levels of identity politics of the state. Though history remains the reference point, yet the study is located in the present day political processes, more importantly during the last two decades of the conflict .Therefore the present study is an attempt to deal with the conflict, its location in the present phase and its linkage with the multiple political assertions within the state. The multiple identity politics within the state provides a challenge to the peace process and therefore it is important to locate the whole issue and its resolution in the internal politics of the state. It also focuses on multiple expressions of identity politics in Jammu and Kashmir. Furthermore the focus is on the inclusive nature of identities and their historical co-existence as well as their accommodative capacity. The interplay of multiple identities that has been going on for centuries has enabled the identities to survive and co-exist. The identities expressed in their cultural forms has played progressive role, cemented social structure and mobilizing people against colonialism, imperialism and other forms of exploitation. What was particular about the emergence of national awareness for Kashmiris was that it was secular in nature and above the sectarian consideration. It is around this popular consciousness that Kashmiriyat as a concept came to be invoked. The secular tradition of Kashmiriyat that faced a twin-challenge during the period of militancy from various organizations, ideologies and groups on the one hand and violence on the other, forms a matter of concern and its analysis is also taken care of. Cautioning against the tendencies towards the division of the state on grounds of religion, region, the present study makes a strong case for a democratic, federal, plural and non-centralized system. Only such a system can resolve the tensions of plural identities and harmonize them in the politics of the state.


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