Digital Image Watermarking –A Review


  • Anshul Nema M.E., Student of Shri Ram Institute of Technology Jabalpur, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University Bhopal, M.P
  • Ravi Mohan HOD of Shri Ram Institute of Technology Jabalpur, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal, M.P., India


Digital Image Watermarking, Types of Watermarking, Watermarking Techniques.


Watermarking play a vital role in the field of image process as well as digital signal processing. In this paper we have summarised with watermarking ideas, watermarking application and watermarking techniques. A digital watermarking technique stores the data in the form of digitals and numbers. It is more comfortable for processing and storing the data and easy calculations. It is very much technology that has been made to protect digital images from illegal manipulations and creations. In this paper represents compression between cryptography, stegnography and watermarking in the details with proper definitions. Digital image watermarking applications as copyright protection, broadcast monitoring, Image Data authentication, Indexing and image Labelling, Medical safety and data hiding etc. Different techniques are uses as image embedding, LSB Techniques, LSB Substitution method, Transform Domain as DCT and DWT etc.


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