
  • Ilke Kupeli Zehra Bedir Md, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology And Reanimation Department, Erzincan University, Erzincan, Turkey



Purpose: In supraumbilical surgeries like laparoscopic cholecystectomy, subcostal transverse abdominal plane block and paravertebral block may be preferred for pain control. We aimed to compare the intra-operative anesthetic consumption in cases to whom this two block methods were applied before surgery.

Method: 50 ASA I-III patients were included in the study. Group T: ultrasound-guided subcostal Transversus Abdominis Plane block. Group P: ultrasound-guided paravertebral block at a single level. Subsequent to the anesthesia maintenance, the process continued with total intravenous anesthesia. Heart rates, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, oxygen saturations of the intraoperative cases were measured and total intravenous anesthesia consumptions were recorded. At the end of the surgery; operation duration, heart rates, systolic and diastolic blood pressures in postoperative period, visual analogue score for pain, additional analgesic need, complication and patient satisfaction status were recorded.

Results: During the operation, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, heart rates in 15th min were significantly lower in group T. Intraoperative anesthesia and opioid consumption were found to be significantly lower in Group T.(P: 0.014, P: 0.024).

Conclusion: Subcostal Transversus Abdominis Plane block significantly reduced intraoperative anesthetic and opioid consumption; however, postoperative analgesia periods and visual analogue scores were not different between two block methods.

( ID: NCT02379780).


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