
  • Saiful Islam Ansari Abhishek Khare Amarendra Kumar Department Of Physics S.R.M.G.P.C.Lucknow



Computational quantum Chemistry (QC) has been used for different types of problems, for example: structural biology, surface phenomena and liquid phase. In this paper we have employed the HF  method for the studyof molecular structure of 4-Pyramidine nitrile .The equilibrium geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies and infrared intensities were

calculated by HF/6-31G (d) method and basis set combinations. The electronic properties of these molecules are discussed with the help of HOMO- LUMO and MESP surfacesand NBO analysis NBOparameters are calculated which are closely related to their chemical reactivity and reaction path. 



Electronic Structure, Optical Properties and Vibrational Analysis of 2-Decenoic acid and its derivative by Density Functional Theory,ApoorvaDwivedi, Anoop Kumar Pandey, NeerajMisra. , Spectroscopy 26 (2011) 367–385.

FTIR spectra and Vibrational Spectroscopy of Loganin using Density Functional Theory, AnoopPandey, Shamoon A Siddiqui, ApoorvaDwivedi, NeerajMisra, Kanwal Raj, Spectroscopy 25 (2011) 287–302.

“Molecular structure and vibrational spectra of 2 formylbenzonitrile by dendity functional theory and ab-initio Hartree-Fock calculations”, NeerajMisra, Onkar Prasad, LeenaSinha, AnoopPandey,Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 822 (2007) 45-47.

Comparative study of vibrational spectra of two narcotic compounds using Density Functional Theory, Anoop Kumar Pandey, Shamoon Ahmad Siddiqui, NeerajMisra. Chinese Journal of PhysicsVOL. 51, NO. 3,2013.

Ab initio study of the endohedral fullerene PbH4@C60" Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon NanostructuresAnoop Kumar Pandey, ApoorvaDwivedi 2012 22: 679–686, 2014 Taylor & Francis Group ISNN-1536-383X

Quantum Mechanical Study on the Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Cyclobutanone and 1,2-Cyclobutanedione, Anoop Kumar Pandey, ApoorvaDwivedi, Neerajmisra, Spectroscopy, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 937915, 11 pages.

Structural, Electronic, and Vibrational Properties of Isoniazid and Its DerivativeN-Cyclopentylidenepyridine-4-carbohydrazide:AQuantum Chemical Study Journal of Theoretical ChemistryVolume 2014, Article ID 894175, 15 pagesISNN 1082-4928

Structural, Electronic and Vibrational properties of Isoniazid and its derivative N-Cyclopentylidenepyridine-4-carbohydrazide-A quantum Chemical study, "AbhishekBajpai”, Anoop Kumar Pandey, VIkasBaboo, ApoorvaDwivedi, Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of theoretical Chemistry, Volume 2014, Article ID 894175, 15 pages.ISSN: 2314-6184.

Isolation, Identification, Molecular and Electronic Structure, Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigation and Anti-HIV-1 activity of Karanjin Using Density Functional Theory,Anoop Kumar Pandey, Abhishek Kumar Bajpai, Ashok Kumar, Mahesh Pal, VikasBaboo, ApoorvaDwivedi,Hindawi Publishing Corporation,Journal of theoretical Chemistry, 2014. ISSN: 2314-6184

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