
  • sunita meshram Asst. Prof of Geography Govt. P.G. College Chhindwara (M.P.)


harmless, agriculture, nutritional


Food habits of the people vary from place to place according to culture of the inhabitants. Local products of the region are one of the determining aspect for the people what they eat. The people of the region are vegetarian and non-vegetarian. They get food mainly from agriculture and forest products, cereals like Kodo, Kutki, Jowar, maize, Wheat, Rice etc. Various types of Pulses, Vegetables and fruits are consumed to an extent depending upon their local availability. Food is the main source of nourishment for the body. Food habit does not mean selecting, combining, cooking and consuming food, it is rather the physiological, emotional, and social value of food. Food availability, production and distribution influence the food preferences. Religion, custom, tradition discutate its utilization of an individual as a culture. Being so the relationship of people with food produced by the individual and society determines the extent of malnutrition. Food habit are adopted early in childhood and are handed down from elder in the family to younger ones and this become firmly imbedded they become taboos. These food taboos are mostly harmless, and many a time they are good and useful. But when they are positively harmful and undesirable, they exercise, adverse affect on the health of individuals. Fruit are directly controlled by the purchasing power of the people,. Food habit varies from season to season and also depend upon the availability of the food-stuffs. Traditional food habits and poverty are the main cause responsible for an unbalanced diet. Their diets includes seasonal foods which to some effects a balance in the diet, but infect do not eat sufficient amounts of seasonal food to make more than a marginal difference. They eat meat in the festive season not from the nutritional point of view but because it is their custom (Rizvi, 1986).


Agrawal, S.K.(1968) Geo-ecology of malnutrition – A Case Study of Haryana Children. Inter India Publication, New Delhi.

Girija Devi (1987) Food and Culture Nutrition 19:21-19

Geopalan, C. (1971) Diet Atlas of India, NIN Hyderabad, P. 118.

Laxmidevi, A. (1983) Malnutrition and how to fight it Kurukshetra, No. 4 May 1.

Patel, Srisha (1985) Ecology, Ethnology and Nutrition – A study of Gond Tribe and Tibetan Refuges. Mittal Publications, Delhi.

Rajyalaxmi, P. (1991) Tribal Food Habits. Gian Publishing House, New Delhi.

Rizvi, S.N.H. (1986) Health Practices of the Jaunsars – A Socio-Cultural Analysis.

Tiwari, P.D. (1984) A Study of Diet and Nutrition Intake Pattern in Rural Areas of Satna District (M.P.) Hill Geographer, 3(2): 64-71


