
  • Ashish mishra Maneesh K. Tiwari Shubham Pandey Assistant Professor At Department Of Electrical & Electronics Engg., Rajarshi Rananjay Sinh Institute Of Management & Technology, Amethi (U.P.), India



Various techniques for harmonic mitigation is studied and described in this paper with their relative pros and cons. The article deals with suppression techniques for severe harmonics appeared in modern power system and improvement over the time. Various growing techniques are introduced now a day for mitigating power system harmonics. Cost, feasibility and location of power system component to be affected by harmonics are the major factors that should taken under consideration while selecting an appropriate technique for harmonic mitigation. Several such methods are described in this paper in a sequence for the purpose of understanding the harmonic suppression techniques and to make an idea about new techniques that may be implemented in future for harmonic mitigation.


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