
  • Nitish Nayyar Assistant Professor Hoshiarpur(Punjab)



Women entrepreneurship helps in the reduction of rural poverty and also contributes in the economic development. Women must be empowered with business approach by enhancing their knowledge, skills and facilitating overall development of the society. Therefore, the promotion of small businesses has been recognized as an important strategy for the empowernment of rural women. The concept of Self Help Groups in this scenario is proving to be a helpful way for the women empowerment. SHG is an organization of rural poor, particularly of women that deliver micro credit to undertake the entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship development and income generating activities are a viable solution for empowering women. It generates income and also provides suitable working hours according to the needs of families. Economic independence and income generation is the need of the hour. Thus to examine the empowerment of women through entrepreneurial activities of self help groups, this particular research was directed with the specific objective to investigate the empowerment.


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