
  • Dr Zamir Ahmad Dr Belal Ahmad Associate Professor, Department Of Amraze Jild Wa Tazeeniyat (Unani Dermatology And Cosmetology), A K Tibbiya College And Hospital, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh



The treatment of Psoriasis is considered to be impossible in the modern system of medicine, because of the continuous suffering of the patients in spite of use of various available modalities. The estimated over all prevalence of this disease is almost 2% -3% of the population.1In United States about 1.5 million patients of Psoriasis consider their disease as a large problem of which 01 million patients were dissatisfied with its treatment.2 This disappointment of the patients may leads to Anxiety, depression and isolation despite of treatment.3

 The classical Unani literature has sufficient mention of this disease as Da us Sadaf ( Disease of shell of Unio, the freshwater mussels), Sadafia(like of shell of Unio), Qasharia  (scaling ) or Qashafia(scaling). The aetiology and treatment are also have been described by the learned Unani authors in their books, which is the main source for inspiring Unani scholars in the successful management of this disease   since many  centuries.

In absence of curative treatment , it is need of the hour to search alternative medicine for the betterment of well being of the patients. For this aim, two patients of Psoriasis were photographed, pre and post Unani (Greek) treatment for the assessment of efficacy of Unani(Greek) medicine on PASI score.  


Schafer T. Epidemiology of Psoriasis. Dermatology 2006;212:327-337

2.Robert S. Stern, Tamar Nijsten, Steven R. Feldman, David J. Margolis and Tara Rolstad, “Psoriasis Is Common, Carries a Substantial Burden Even When Not Extensive, and Is Associated with Widespread Treatment Dissatisfaction” Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings, Volume 9, Issue 2, March 2004, Pages 136–139

Gupta and Gupta.Depression and suicidal


