Equal Education Opportunity and Egalitarianism


  • Poonam Rawat UGC-JRF (Research Scholar)



The article focuses on ‘Equal Education Opportunity and Egalitarianism’. The goal is not about
how to find a good job or make big money, but about how to develop a complete human being.
Every part of the individual- mind, body, emotion and spirit should be developed at the same
time and be integrated into the whole person. The concept of integrated education emphasizes
methods which concentrate on viewing the student as a whole person. This idea comes from the
Whitehead’s philosophy of education.
Whitehead’s philosophy of education was built on the concepts of the organism and process
thought. Whitehead always believed that appreciation of the relation of the whole to the part was
central to understanding reality. Whitehead believed “nothing is in isolation”. All things depend
upon each other. In this world everything is connected to everything. Everything is a part of the
whole. Whitehead emphasizes the importance of wholeness and relationship.



