
  • RUCHI SINGH GUPTA MITA KOTECHA DINESH SINGH GAUR S.M.O., Department Of Ayurveda, E.S.I.C. Model Hospital, Nanda Nagar, Indore, M.P., India.



Today, the whole world is looking towards Ayurveda with great expectations; they have realized the significance of Ayurveda. The prime object of Ayurveda is to maintain and reestablished the equilibrium of body tissue that is why our sages has described Trisutra not only for all healthy persons but also ailing. Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus) is among the 20 sub type of pramehas and is predominantly a vatika disease. Madhumeha can be correlated with Diabetes mellitus on the basis of similarities in the signs and symptoms.Madhumeha subtype of Vataja Prameha due to involvement of vital elements causes alarming health instability with higher prevalence. It is believed that Diabetes mellitus occurs when insulin is not able to metabolize glucose (derailment of glucose metabolism). Here ayurveda believes that it occurs mainly due to medo dusti. This medodusti vitiate mansa, rakta, kleda and ojas. All the dhatus and malas & all three doshas are involved in the disease procedure. Holistic approach of Ayurveda in regard to preventive, promotive measures with due consideration of appropriate Diet management proved to be fruitful to provide better health to diabetics. In Ayurveda near about 175 plants are described as Pramehaghna/Madhumehaghna. Many pharmacological studies are proved their anti-diabetic properties. According to various Acharyas, Tikta-Kashaya Rasa, Katu Vipaka is the Pramehaghna. Khadira and Nimba is also Tikta-Kashaya Rasa, Katu Vipaka. The hypoglycemic activity of Nimba seed has already approved, so here we want to access the effect of Khadira and Nimba bark in diabetes mellitus.



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