
  • MAZEN J. AL SHOBAKI SAMY S. ABU NASER Faculty Of Engineering & Information Technology, Al-Azhar University, Gaza,, Gaza-Strip, Palestine



This paper aims to study the organizational excellence and the extent of its clarity in the Palestinian universities from the perspective of students. Researchers have used the descriptive and analytical approach and used the questionnaire for data collection and distributed to students in universities. The researchers used a sample stratified random method by the university.  The total number of students was (381) and (235) were distributed to identify the study population. (166) questionnaires were recovered with rate of (96.3%). We used statistical analysis (SPSS) program for data entry, processing and analysis.

The study reached the following conclusions: that (62.8%) of the study population believe that the availability of "faculty staff" somewhat weak, showed that the number of Academic staff is appropriate to the number of students. The results confirmed that (66.4%) of the study population believe that the suitability "admission policies" is average, showed that the admission policies declared for the students, it is also transparent, the university administration provides orientation programs for newley admitted students.

The results showed that (55.4%) of the study population believe that the "Student support" is low in the universities, and (52.8%) of the study population believe that "student activities" in the universities is low.

The study found a set of recommendations, including: the establishment of university centers for gifted and talented students, follow their growth and their creations after graduating from college and while working in the sectors of production,  and provide college library modern references in all disciplines.



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