
  • JITENDRA MALVIYA VAIBHAVI JOSHI Department Of Biotechnology, SIT College Sidhi SIT Group Of Institutions Sidhi Madhya Pradesh



Antibacterial activity of rhizome of Hedychium coronarium plant extract were evaluated against six bacterial strains Staphylococcus aureus , Niesseria gonorrohae , Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli Streptococcus pyogenes Bacillus subtilis. The collected Hedychium coronarium plant were used in folk medicine in the treatment of as eye-tonic and is said to prevent Motiabind (Cataract). Hedychium coronarium is used in Chinese natural medicine and has been prescribed and used in treatment of headache, lancinating pain, contusion, inflammatory and intense pain due to rheumatism etc. It is also used as febrifuge, tonic, excitant and anti-rheumatic in the Ayurvedicsystem


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