
  • KAKU RAM MANHAS Guest Faculty Department Of Sociology, Center University Of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala



Tribes are inextricably intertwined with themes of Ancient Indian history. The Gaddi tribe of Himachal Pradesh are living in forests and facing unpleasant climate conditions. The Gaddis are semi pastoral, semi nomadic and semi agricultural tribe of Bharmour area of Chamba district in Himachal Pradesh is identifiable due to their typical dress known as topi, chola, and dora. In the present research paper researcher are focusing on tribal migration among Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh. Gaddi tribe is living mainly in the Chamba district but historically they are migrated with their flocks of sheep and goats to lower hills of the northern India like Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir and lower part of Himachal Pradesh. So here researcher is focusing on main reason behind Gaddi migration and Problems faced by Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh


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