
  • BHARATESH BATAGI BHARATESH BATAGI Assistant Professor AICRP on Agroforestry , Dept. of Farm Forestry



A Step towards the smart climate agriculture i.e. Agroforestry which  combines- agricultural and forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive,  profitable, healthy and sustainable land–use systems. In addition to the more familiar support measures outlined in the Forestry Programme 2014 – 2020, there is a new and imaginative measure aimed at supporting Agroforestry. Keeping the target in mind this experiment conducted under the fifteen year old established plantation of teak (Tectona grandis)  along with the eight different varieties of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) .The objective is to find out the performance of the turmeric as a shade loving plant., in the year 2015-16. The study revealed that among the different turmeric varieties CLI, Rajpuri and Selum recorded higher yield (24.84, 24.68 and 23.75 q/ha) respectively. The light intensity on turmeric was affected by the crown cover and height of Teak plantation which recorded minimum of those trees which were surrounding the CLI , Rajpuri  and Selum varieties. The light intensity is having negative correlation with yield which was least observed surrounding the plot of  CLI, Rajpuri and  Selum (35.88, 36.33 and 39.67 lux per meter) respectively. Because of the maximum crown cover (3.16, 3.24 and 3.22) and height of Teak plantation (14.29, 13.54 and 14.63 m) surrounding these turmeric varieties gives higher yield as compare to others. Therefore, growing of turmeric   varieties under old established plantations are the best example of Agroforestry which will be helpful in better production and additional income.


A Step towards the smart climate agriculture i.e. Agroforestry which combines- agricultural and forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land–use systems. In addition to the more familiar support measures outlined in the Forestry Programme 2014 – 2020, there is a new and imaginative measure aimed at supporting Agroforestry. Keeping the target in mind this experiment conducted under the fifteen year old established plantation of teak (Tectona grandis) along with the eight different varieties of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) .The objective is to find out the performance of the turmeric as a shade loving plant., in the year 2015-16. The study revealed that among the different turmeric varieties CLI, Rajpuri and Selum recorded higher yield (24.84, 24.68 and 23.75 q/ha) respectively. The light intensity on turmeric was affected by the crown cover and height of Teak plantation which recorded minimum of those trees which were surrounding the CLI , Rajpuri and Selum varieties. The light intensity is having negative correlation with yield which was least observed surrounding the plot of CLI, Rajpuri and Selum (35.88, 36.33 and 39.67 lux per meter) respectively. Because of the maximum crown cover (3.16, 3.24 and 3.22) and height of Teak plantation (14.29, 13.54 and 14.63 m) surrounding these turmeric varieties gives higher yield as compare to others. Therefore, growing of turmeric varieties under old established plantations are the best example of Agroforestry which will be helpful in better production and additional income.

