
  • L.BALAJI SARAVANAN S.R.NAGARATHINAM VINOTHKANNA. S Ph.D Research scholar, Department of Geography, Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.



Natural increase with sudden spar of population due to migration in urban areas resulted in the uncontrolled development of related activities in cities spoiling the urban environment. The increasing social sophistication and modernization growing inequality and continuous rise in unemployment have greatly accentuated urban crimes in recent years. An attempt has been made in this paper to study the spatial distribution and variation of crimes in Coimbatore city. Crimes in Coimbatore city is increased for the past few years. The occurrences of theft and burglary, dacoity and robbery, hurt and grievous and murder and attempt to murder crimes are more in Coimbatore city. The occurrences of crimes are more in central, west and eastern part of the city.


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