
  • B. N. PAWAR Department of Physics, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune-38 (India)



Intrinsic and nickel doped zinc oxide (Ni:ZnO) thin films have been successfully prepared on a glass substrate by at low temperature chemical bath deposition. The influence of Ni doping concentration on structural, morphological, optical and magnetic features of ZnO thin films was examined. Results illustrated that dense ZnO nanorods with hexagonal wurtzite structure were vertically well-aligned and uniformly distributed on the substrate. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns elucidate that all ZnO films of Ni doped, represent the formation of polycrystalline and hexagonal-wurtzite structure. The effects of doping concentration on nanorods morphology were investigated systematically. The optical properties were evaluated by UV-VIS measurement. The value of the saturation magnetization for 2 at % Ni doped films was observed to be 0.38 emu/g.


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