
  • JOSÉ VARGAS- HERNÁNDEZ Researcher Professor Department Of Administration University Center For Economic And Managerial Sciences, University Of Guadalajara



The objective of this work is to analyze the implications of economic liberalism of the so-called Salamanca School on the sustainability of organizations. It begins with the assumption that modern economics, and therefore modern economic liberalism that gives support to globalizing capitalism, has its antecedents in the arguments of moral theology about right reason, to the argumentative interpretations of rational choice that has resulted in instrumental rationality, which have implications for the sustainability of organizations. The method used is descriptive-analytical. It is concluded that all this orientation of the moral theologians of the School of Salamanca being economists, dealing with matters of the economy, had as aim to achieve the organizational sustainability of the time, especially the organizations and institutions of the church and the government, centered in a humanistic orientation of right reason in which homo economicus is the origin and purpose of economic practices. Contrary to corporate-oriented economic liberalism that glorifies rational choice or instrumental rationality as the central principle through the pursuit of maximum benefit, it drives the growth and economic development of individuals in organizations.


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Social Science & Humanities