Contribution of Poultry in Poverty Eradication and Promotion of Gender Equality in case of South Asia.


  • Dr. Tripti Dadheech Department of Zoology, Government College, Ajmer, India.


Developing, Small-scale poultry production, Family-based poultry production, Livestock, Commercial poultry production, Poultry.


Poultry is one of the subsidiaries for economic and social upliftment in agriculture sector. The paper presents an overview of the development of the poultry sector in South Asian countries and of the role of small-scale, family-based poultry production in developing countries. Poultry represent an important system to feed the fast growing human population of developing countries of South Asia and to provide income to poor small farmers, especially women. Among the future prospects for these countries, poultry farming holds a prominent place in development plans. Livestock production makes a significant contribution to the livelihoods of the poor and offers substantial scope for expansion to alleviate poverty. Major initiatives undertaken to develop poultry as a tool for rural development and their rationale are presented. The constraints facing the future of small-scale poultry production are discussed. Finally, the paper stresses the need for more long-term and wider perspectives in the policies and strategies guiding the development of the poultry sector. The paper presents the role of small-scale, family-based poultry production in developing countries. There is a need for establishing commercial poultry production which can then supplement rural poultry production activities. There is enormous possibility of improvement in poultry industry sector in order to provide employment in rural areas and to include much essential nutrients in low cost daily food.

Author Biography

Dr. Tripti Dadheech, Department of Zoology, Government College, Ajmer, India.



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