
  • R. P. PRAJAPATI Chemistry Section (DESM) Regional Institute of EducationNCERT) Bhopal,India 462013



The global energy demand is growing rapidly, and majority of the present demand is met by fossil based fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Since the industrial revolution, our increased dependence on fossil based fuels has resulted in various airborne emissions leading to serious climatic, environmental, and health effects. These emissions are at alarming levels and require immediate actions to counter severe future problems. Due to scarcity of petroleum and coal it threatens supply of fuel throughout the world also problem of their combustion led to research in different corners to get access the new sources of energy ,like renewable energy resources , solar energy, wind energy, different thermal and hydro sources of energy. A great variety of organic waste materials such as biological wastes of cattle dung, vegetable wastes, municipal solid waste, and industrial waste water are disposed in landfill or discarded which causes the public health hazards and diseases like malaria, cholera, typhoid. Inadequate management of wastes like uncontrolled dumping bears several adverse consequences on environment. It not leads to polluting surface and groundwater through leachate and further promotes the breeding of flies, mosquitos’ rates and other disease bearing vectors. Also, it emits unpleasant odor &methane which is a major greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. The production of biogas from organic waste material should be major issue in India. Biogas is an important source of renewable energy produced by the anaerobic digestion of biomass. The composition of biogas depends on the biomass source and duration of the digestion process. But biogas is distinct from other renewable energies because of its characteristics of using, controlling and collecting organic wastes and at the same time producing fertilizer and water for use in agricultural irrigation. Biogas does not have any geographical limitations nor does it require advanced technology for producing energy, also it is very simple to use and apply. Biogas can be used as energy source and also for numerous purposes. But, any possible applications require knowledge& information about the composition and quantity of constituents in the biogas produced.


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Corresponding author : Dr. R. P. Prajapati, Assistant professor of chemistry Regional Institute of Education Bhopal 462013.


