
  • Ananya Singh UGC-SRF, Department of Education, University of Allahabad, Allahabad



Nowadays almost all the people are using social media. In addition, it is very often that they post something on social media that relates with their interest or hobby which later can be analyzed to know their personality type. This moreover, if the psychological behavior can be accurate and precise for every person that is active in social media, we can do some kind of “foreseeing” what the person will like even though they havenot posted it in the internet. Researches provides self-reported personality scores for what are known in psychological practice as the 'big five' traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism—the OCEAN model. Through this, researchers could establish which likes equated with higher levels of particular traits e.g. liking 'Salvador Dali' or 'meditation' showed a high degree of openness.


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