Quality of Higher Education: Challenges and Recommendations


  • D DHARMA TEJA Assistant Professor(C) Faculty of Education, IASE Osmania University, Hyderabad-07


Higher Education, Challenges, Knowledge, Scenario


Higher education occupies an important place at the apex of the educational pyramid and helps developing the cream of the society. Individuals should cultivate through higher education competencies required to take up leadership roles in various fields in the society. They are expected to develop the right attitude and independent and creative thinking to enable them to seek and cultivate new knowledge and pave the way for social progress. These individuals through various stages of higher education strive to acquire knowledge and understanding in various disciplines, develop higher cognitive abilities, i.e. critical thinking, analytical and synthetic ability to develop certain affective attributes like democratic outlook, scientific bent of mind, healthy attitudes, social sensitivity and human virtues. A university stands for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for the adventure of ideas and for search of truth. It stands for the one word march of human race towards even higher objectives. If the universities discharge their duties adequately, then it is well with the nation and the people. these valuable and meaningful words highlight the very fundamental truth that universities and colleges have significant role to play in the national life for promoting welfare and strength of the people.


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 Knight, Peter.T. and., Being a Teacher in Higher Education, Buckingham: SRHE and open University Press,2002.

 Annual report on Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India

 Annual reports of UGC

 Amrik Singh, Academic Standards in Indian Universities: Ravages of Affiliation, Economic and Plitical Weekly, July 26-Audust 1,2003.

 Kalam, abdul A.P.J. and Rajan, India 2020,New Delhi: Viking India,1998.





