
  • Mrs. Sujata Prashant Deshmukh Mrs. Nilima Patil Department of Information Technology, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College o f Engineering,



Sentiment analysis offers many benefits and opportunities from business, government and consumer perspective in this digital data explosive age. According to Google, in partnership with KPMG India report (April-2017),  titled 'Indian Languages - Defining India's Internet',  currently India today has 234 million Indian Language users who are online, compared to 175 million English web users and expected 536 million Indians to use regional languages while online by 2021 [1]. However Marathi users are expected to make significant contribution to define India Internet volume. By considering aspects of Marathi language and benefits of sentiment analysis, this paper presents a approach to overcome the barriers and difficulties being faced for analyzing text in Marathi language. The proposed system detects hidden sentiments in text of Marathi language. The system uses sentiment analysis methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. In this system, a corpus based approach is proposed, i.e the creation of a diverse up to date corpus of Marathi keywords, along with their individual polarities, with respect to the WordNet, which is consider as a corpus. The algorithm is used to calculate the cumulative polarity of the text and ranhk the sentence as positive, negative or neutral on a set scale standard.

e scientific discovery could have made.This word shows the importance of Vedic period and Ancient Indian Education.


used for solving a specific problem, answering a question, introducing a new subject, raising interest, and surveying knowledge and attitudes. The present paper aims to tell about brainstorming and learning. 



Report 'Indian Languages - Defining India's Internet', A study by KPMG in India and Google April 2017

Sentiment analysis,, accessed in Aug. 2016.

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