
  • Gurdip Singh Sodi Rajkumar Assistant Professor, Computer Application GDC Udhampur atraj_kumar@yahoo.com (J & K). India



Education plays an important role for human being for overall development. Initially in India, education was offered at

‘Paathshala’- the place for primary and lifelong education. But the growth of educational systems like University, colleges, Training Centre and several educational places are involved and change themselves depending upon requirement and time

need. Conventional educational systems is actually deals with class room based teaching and learning; though today apart from the several education mediums are evolved and growing rapidly. E-learning, Distance Education and Online Education is also an important role of contemporary learning. Cloud computing is a new computing model which is based on the grid computing, distributed computing, parallel computing and virtualization technologies define the shape of a new technology.

It is the core technology of the next generation of network computing platform, especially in the field of education, cloud computing is the basic environment and platform of the future E-learning. It provides secure data storage, convenient internet services and strong computing power.


Abouchedid, K., Eid, G.M. (2004), “E-Learning

challenges in the Arab World: revelations from a case study profile”, Quality Assurance in Education, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Vol 12, No. 1, pp 15-

Bagert, D.J., Mu, X. (2005), “Current State of Software

Engineering Master’s Degree Programs In The United

Vol. 1: Perspective and instructional design. Cresskill,

area of industrial microbiology. The illustrations related to dynamic textbook, lesson plans, self- assessment quiz, and interactive demonstrations given in the content has been developed by core team of the subject experts.

VIII (G). e-PGPathshala

(http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/epgp/ )

The MHRD, under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT), has assigned work to the

UGC for development of e-content in 77 subjects at postgraduate level. It include different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages is being developed under

this initiative named e-PG Pathshala.E-content so

developed would be available in open access through a Learning Management System (LMS) set-up at the INFLIBNET Centre as well as through Sakshat portal.


Flexible services: Drive innovation with data

services in the cloud that students, teachers, faculty, and staff can reuse. Offer your own data mashups on a portal.

Infrastructure: Get all the IT resources you need, only when you need them, managed securely and

MA: TheSloan Consortium.

Drexler, W. (2010). The networked student model for construction of personal learning environments: Balancingteacher control and student autonomy.

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(3),

pp. 369-385. http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet26/drexler.html

IBM (2009). Business Strategy for Cloud Providers:

TheCase for Potential Cloud Services Providers. White paper.Retrieved from ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/ common/ssi/ecm /en/gbw03096usen


Metz, R. (2010).Cloud Computing Explained.

EDUCAUSEQuarterly,33(2). Retrieved from http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly

/educausequarterlymagazinevolume cloudcomputingexplained/206526

Cloud computing in education A Microsoft U.S.

Education white paper April 2010 www.microsoft.com/educloud

Gilroy, K. (2001). Collaborative e-learning: the right approach



Internet and Higher Education (pp. 3?31)



Neen, Julie De. 30 Myths About eLearning That Need To Die In 2013 online reference: http://newsroom.opencolleges.edu.au/features/30-






