
  • Ashwani Kumar Dubey Archana Chauhan -



Biodiversity is the indicator of healthy ecosystem. Fish diversity increases the economic success of the aquatic ecosystem and implies that the area has become more efficient. Fish are not only useful as source of food, medicine and economic value but also plays a crucial role in the second tropic level of the aquatic ecosystem. Adverse effect of environment, climatic changes, increasing water temperature (Dubey & Parihar, 1992), declining water level (Dubey et al., 2011), tremendous use of pesticide and xenobiotic compound (Dubey, 1995), routines dumping of city garbage and garlanding in the aquatic bodies affected the fish productivity hence decreasing the number of aquatic organism specially fish species in the aquatic ecosystem. Dam conserve a rich variety of fish species which supports to local fishermen and the commercially fisheries. Therefore, in the present investigation preliminary observations of fish diversity were carried out in the Rangwan Dam of Chhatarpur District, Madhya Pradesh India. Twenty seven fish species under nine families were observed initially. It is concluded that the Dam has high Fish-diversity with good economic potential. To conserve and maintain the Fish-diversity, anthropogenic activities should be controlled and further need to assess the water quality of this Dam.



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