
  • Dr. (Mrs.) Deepti Jain -



The education system which was evolved first in ancient India is known
as the Vedic system of education. In other words, the ancient systems of
education were based on the Vedas and therefore it was given the name
of Vedic Educational System. Ancient education emerged from the Vedas.
They are supposed to be the source of Indian philosophy of life. Vedas
means ‘to        know’. Vedas occupy a very important place in the Indian life. The basis of Indian culture lies in the Vedas which are four in number – Rigveda, Samveda,
Yajurveda, and            Atharavaveda.

Some scholars have sub divided Vedic Educational period into
Rig Veda period, Brahmani period, Upanishada period, Sutra (Hymn)
period, Smriti period etc but all these period, due to predominance of the

Vedas, there was no change in the aims and ideals of educations. That is
why, the education of these periods, is studied under Vedic period. The
education system that prevailed during the Vedic times had some unique
characteristics. Education was confined to the upper castes, and to those
who were Brahmacharis. In Indian tradition, a person’s life cycle is divided
into four stages of which ‘Brahmacharis’ is the second phase. This is the
time set aside for learning and acquiring skills. During Vedic period, most
of the upper castes, which were either Brahmins or Kshatriyas, had their
education in a unique system called ‘Gurukulas’.
               The most important contribution of ancient India not only for
India but also for the world is in the field of education. It may also be
remembered that education is not an abstract term. It is manifested in the
cultural economic, individual, philosophical, scientific, social and spiritual
advancement. In other words, education is the means for developing the
mind for the betterment of the individual and society.
In the words of Albert Einstein, “We owe a lot to the Indians who taught us
how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have made.This word shows the importance of Vedic period and Ancient Indian Education.



