
  • Aparna Awasthi Karuna S. Verma -



Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants has always been traced to the occurrence of natural products with medicinal properties and has guided the search for new cures. Phyllanthus amarus is an important plant of Indian Ayurvedic systems of medicine.

 The antioxidant or the free radical scavenging activity of various parts of Phyllanthus amarus was assessed in an effort to validate medicinal potential of this herb. The antioxidant activity of various parts was determined using DPPH method and was compared with standard antioxidant. Present study revealed that the selected plant would exert several beneficial effects by virtue of its antioxidant potential and could be harnessed in various drug formulations.

                                          In spite of advent of modern drug discovery and screening technique, traditional knowledge systems have given class to the discovery of valuable drugs.              Medicinally important plant parts of Phyllanthus amarus such as (roots, leaves, stems and fruits) are commonly rich in phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, coumarins and lignins. These constituents exhibit various biological activities such as antioxidant activity.

The antioxidant activity of the plant is mainly due to their redox properties, which allow them to act as reducing agent, hydrogen donators, singlet oxygen quencher and metal chelaters. :"Bookman Old Style","serif";mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"'>nder public distribution system. It procures and moves almost 1and half million tonnes of wheat, paddy, coarse grains, kerosene, sugar, iodised salt and pulses by its strong distribution network every year. The corporation acquires wheat, paddy and coarse grains from farmers at minimum support price (fixed by the government from time to time) and sends paddy to private miller for milling, the millers deposits the paddy after milling to Food Corporation of India.



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