
  • Jayant Madhusudan Nandagaoli Asst Prof. LIS. Dept. HPT Arts and RYK Science College, Nashik (MH)


Library and Information Science (LIS) education, Library Schools, Library professionals, academic librarianship,


Change is the inevitable consequent of the process of every development. The transitional period having great possibility and opportunity as well itself, the cause of complete extinct. Like any other discipline, LIS profession is also passing through drastic changes and development, which raised many questions against the existence and importance of Librarians. The fate of any profession is depends on, how the professionals could cope up or adopt the new development. Unfortunately, it seems the students-teachers, librarians and library science philosophers are perplexed in the wave of google storm. It needs to identify the preceding issues and problems and their causes to have insight for it to come up. It implies not only to have plan for current issue but also anticipate the future challenges in right time to introspect truly. The task as such is big, and require rigorous enquiry in all respect. This is a very small effort towards systematic investigation focused on academic librarian and librarianship in order to throw the light on today’s scenario.


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Joshi, Manoj K. (2010). Library and Information Science Education in India: same Government Initiatives. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 30(5), 13-24

Jain, P.K. LIS education in India: challenges for students and professionals in the Digital Age, 2007. In International Conference on Library and Information Society, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 25-26 June 2007.University of Malasya. (Published) [Conference Paper].

Carlin, Andrew P. (2009). Segmented professions: Future considerations of theory and practices in LIS and Librarianship. Library philosophy and practice(e-journal).Paper294.

Rauhala, Teemu (20011). The essence of modern LIS professionals. Rehman, Sajjad ur (2009). Developing new competencies among LIS professionals:Challenges for educators.

Sridhar,M.S.(1999). Skill requirements of LIS professionals in the new e-world


