
  • Chanchala Shiv R.K. Shrivastava Department of Zoology, Govt. Model Science College (Autonomous), Jabalpur 482001 (M.P.) India



Zooplanktons are heterotrophic Planktonic animals floating in water. They serve as good indicators of changes in water quality. The present papers deals with study of monthly variations in the Zooplankton population during October 2013 to September 2014. The diversity and population dynamics of Zooplankton is under the control of numerous physico-chemical factors, population influence, etc. A study revealed that 34 species of Zooplankton belonging to 5 major groups were observed. Among these, 6 species belongs to Protozoa, 11 species belongs to Rotifera, 9 species belongs to Cladocera, 6 species belongs to Copepoda and 2 species belongs to Ostracoda. The Rotifera group is dominant followed by Cladocera and Copepoda. Highest Zooplankton populations were recorded in November and December.

ackground:white'>The plankton were collected counted and were identified by using the method suggested by APHA (1995) Present (1970) and FRESH WATER BIOLOGY (W.T.EDMONDSON-1959). The plankton were counted by using Sedwick Rafter counting cell.Different class such cyanphyceae, chlorophyceae, bacillariophyceae, euglenophyceae, cilliata, cledocera, copepod and specimens from phylum rotifera were identified during the study. Among all these classes the listed phytoplankton such as Oscillatoria Sp., Tetraedron Sp., Navicula Sp., Nitzschia Sp., Euglena Sp.,and zooplankton such as Ceriodaphnia Sp.,Cyclops Sp., Tropocyclops Sp., Brachionus Sp. and Platias Sp. were recorded as a dominant genera in Pariyat Lake. The study was carried out monthly but was tabulated seasonally by using statistical method.


sent and future of e-commerce business taking into consideration demonetization. There is a difference in long term and short term impacts because situation will become better with the increase in online payments and awareness in people regarding digitization. Digital market is the future, and we expect it to make our business efficient in the long run of our economy. There are many other social as well as economic factors that affect e-commerce after demonetization.


his review the synthesis, properties, applications, scaling-up issues and solutions of BDF are addressed in length and breadth. The review is based on the selected accounts of the up to date research carried in the field of biodiesel. The selected accounts have the potential for a smarter process of a smarter fuel for a smarter and safer environment.






