
  • Dr Abhimanyu Kumar Dr. Ardhana Saxsena India is a developing country whose main occupation is agriculture with 60 per cent of the population involved in this occupation. Around 40 per cent women in northern states are occupied in agriculture. Women occupation in agriculture in low income these states in India are between 12-15 per cent. In almost 60% of the total population involved in agriculture in northern states, the number of women employed in agriculture as a percentage of the economically active population is high. Long standing obstacles faced by rural women in terms of limited access to productive resources (Land, Credit, Inputs, Transport, Extension Services, Storage and Technical Assistance) prevent them from adopting new technologies or encoring them economies of scale. This paper examines the average size of holdings by women, distribution of operational holdings and operated area by women, status of women i.e. female population, female working population, female main workers, female farmers and female agriculture laborers and per female value of output of various sub-sectors of agriculture in northern states. Women also have less access to productive resources in agriculture with exception Punjab and Haryana states. Due to these reasons and women’s lower education levels compel the women to remain in subsistence agriculture. Professional women continue to discriminate these agricultural women in their field of hiring and promotion.



India is a developing country whose main occupation is agriculture with 60 per cent of the population involved in this occupation. Around 40 per cent women in northern states are occupied in agriculture. Women occupation in agriculture in low income these states in India are between 12-15 per cent. In almost 60% of the total population involved in agriculture in northern states, the number of women employed in agriculture as a percentage of the economically active population is high. Long standing obstacles faced by rural women in terms of limited access to productive resources (Land, Credit, Inputs, Transport, Extension Services, Storage and Technical Assistance) prevent them from adopting new technologies or encoring them economies of scale. This paper examines the average size of holdings by women, distribution of operational holdings and operated area by women, status of women i.e. female population, female working population, female main workers, female farmers and female agriculture laborers and per female value of output of various sub-sectors of agriculture in northern states. Women also have less access to productive resources in agriculture with exception Punjab and Haryana states. Due to these reasons and women’s lower education levels compel the women to remain in subsistence agriculture. Professional women continue to discriminate these agricultural women in their field of hiring and promotion.


Agricultural Statistics at a glance 2013, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, GOI, New Delhi.

Govt. of India (GOI.)

Director General, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Govt. of India, New Delhi,2012

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