
  • Dr R.K. Shrivastava Yogesh Shukla SMS Govt Science College Gwalior



Broad casting services direction-finding protocols may fail to operate in the absence of an end-to-end connection from source to destination This deficiency can be resolved by so called opportunistic networking which exploits the mobility of the nodes by letting them operate as relays according to the store, carry and forward paradigm. However, the efficiency of this approach will depend to a large extent on the contact and inter-contact times of node pairs. In this work, we analyze the delay performance of a small opportunistic network of broad casting services by considering a tandem queuing system. Due to the state space expansion, this analysis cannot efficiently be applied for all model parameter settings. For this reason, an analytical approximation is constructed and its excellent performance has  extensively been validated.  Numerical results on the mean end-to-end delay show that the inter-contact time distribution impacts this metric only through its first two moments. Finally, we study delay optimization under broad casting services.


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