Theoretical Analysis of Solar Water Heater-A Review


  • Ramesh Tiwari Dr. A.R. Jaurkar GEC, Jabalpur


energy collector, storage tank, active & passive system, heat transfer fluid.


In the present review paper, the existing solar water heating systems are studied with their applications. Now a day, plenty of hot water is used for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. Various resources i.e. coal, diesel, gas etc, are used to heat water and sometimes for steam production. Solar energy is the main alternative to replace the conventional energy sources. The solar thermal water heating system is the technology to harness the plenty amount of free available solar thermal energy. The solar thermal system is designed to meet the energy demands. The size of the systems depends on availability of solar radiation, temperature requirement of customer, geographical condition and arrangement of the solar system, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to design the solar water heating system as per above parameters. The available literature is reviewed to understand the construction, arrangement, applications and sizing of the solar thermal system.


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