
  • Dr. Rajkumari Singh Mrs. Bhupendra Kaur -



The past century has taught us several ways of viewing educational organizations. One prominent model is the traditional approach, which views organizations as a hierarchical system in which power and intelligence are originated at the top and passed down through commands and control to the lower levels of the system before being put into practice. Schools and school leadership have continued to be scrutinized by the legislature and government. With the passage of such laws as No Child Left Behind, the accountability standard of government schools has risen to all-time levels. This literature review seeks to discover the effects school leaders have on student achievement. This literature review will look at a variety of leadership styles, seek to identify the direct/indirect influences of school leadership on learning, look at leadership and teacher efficacy traits that impact learning and consider school leadership traits that lead to student achievement. In summary, the research has demonstrated that school leadership has both direct and indirect implications leading to student achievement. Most leadership influences are indirect; these indirect influences lead to increased collective efficacy and improved school culture. In conclusion, futures implications suggest greater collective research should be performed targeting the traits successful school leaders have demonstrated leading to student achievement.


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