
  • Mohini Mittal Vibha Nagar -



According to J.A. Hadfield (1952) “Mental Health is the full and harmonious functioning of the whole personality”. Before reviewing the mental health of adolescents, it would be appropriate to consider the concept of mental health. Indian philosophy explain mental health problem in terms of spiritual dimensions of life. The ultimate goal of life is self realization of one’s inner nature.

As in respect of mental health of adolescents in India, cultural terms and conditions are different because adolescence is the most crucial period of personality formation. It is marked by physical changes and different nature. During this period an individual came to physical maturity, establishes his or her independence, begins to achieve an adult level of cognitive functioning and crystallizes a separate psychological and legal identity. Adolescents are considered to be healthy since morality in this age group is relatively low. However, morality is a misleading parameter of adolescent’s health. In fact, adolescents have a wide range of health problems that affect their mental health. Although, it is often possible to identify triggers for particular episodes of mental illness, identifying the underlying etiology is often more difficult. In many cases mental illness emerges as a consequence of biological and environmental interactions. Some other reasons are also there which affects mental health of adolescent’s like peer pressure. Due to this student feels a great burden during the period of examination and suffer from anxiety, depression, etc. These type of pressures affect their mental health to a large extent.




