
  • G. Nagaraj Zoology Section, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006, Karnataka, India.



Present study aims to make a comparative study on thermotaxis behavior among the three strains (OK, se and w) of adult Drosophila melanogaster using an improvised setup and to propose this simple investigation as a project for IX – XII class students. Using low-cost materials like OHP sheets, 90cm long tubes were prepared and thermal division / difference of 10 oC (24.5 and 34.5 oC) were created using hot air from hair dryer. With the standardised method thermal preference was assayed. Results show that all the three strains of flies were negatively themotaxic, avoiding higher and preferring lower temperature; and se flies were more sensitive than others. Further, presently improvised setup provides a new and simple method for investigating thermotaxis in Drosophila. Therefore, this experiment is proposed as a project for the students of IX to XII classes to develop inquisitive mind.


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