
  • Dr. SANDEEP KUMAR Dr. A. K. SINGH Department of Public Administration, University of Lucknow, Lucknow



The communitisation of institutions and services in Nagaland is a unique concept and initiative for empowering and involvement of community in infrastructure development, social change and delivery of public services. The initiative has been widely recognized as a model of development and social change. The concept of communitization was first introduced in 2002-03 and after enactment of the Nagaland Communitisation of Public Institutions and Services Act, 2002, the state government, in phase wise manner, handed over ownership and management of education, health care, water supply, electricity, tourism and bio-diversity conservation to the communities. Present paper highlights the rationale, concept and imperatives of community driven change besides assessing the impact of communitisation of institutions and services in Nagaland.


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