A Tandem Queueing Model With Two Stage Servers


  • (Dr. (Mrs.) Debmitra Roy Asst. Prof. & HOD of Computer, Navyug Arts and Commerce College, Jabalpur)


Tandem, Queue, Elective, Emergency, Blocking


Sinha and Singh (2004) studied a queueing model with three stages of service where no queue is allowed in front of each stage. In their problem blocking occurs before stage II and stage III. Jain (1998) studied a queueing system with two types of customers i.e. elective and emergency customers. The elective customers have patience to form a queue and wait while emergency customers on finding the server busy on their arrival, leave the system and are lost. In this chapter, we are considering two types of customers and two stages of service in series. There is a single queue for both types of customers. Emergency customer will join the system only if stage I is free and there is nobody in the queue. Elective customers on finding stage I busy will stand in a queue. A customer coming for service has to go through both the stages one by one. Probability equations have been derived and expected waiting time for various situations have been calculated


Gross, Donald and Harris, C.M.(1994): Fundamentals of queueing theory, John Wiley and sons, New York

Jain, Madhu(1998). “Finite Population loss and delay queueing system with no passing.” Opsearch, 35(3), 261-276

Singh, H.R. and Sinha, Debmitra(2004). “Tandem queue model with branching applicable to hospital services.”Journal of Science and Technology, Sambalpur University. 16(B), 95-102

Sinha, Debmitra and Singh, H.R. (2004). “Tandem queue model with three stages applicable to hospital services.” Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 4(1), 113-120

Hunt, G.C.(1956). “Sequential arrays of waiting lines.”, Oper. Res.,4, 674 -683

Perros, H.(1994). Queueing Networks with Blocking. NewYork: Oxford University Press





