
  • Mohd Mansoor Beig



The Indo-US relationship was not cordial during the Cold War period. The two countries had seen many ups and downs in their relationship. There was no direct rivalry or clash between the two countries.  However, the impact of the US and the Soviet Union rivalry had affected across the globe and similarly India could not remain away from it. Moreover, the US and India, inspite of common democratic setup, political pluralism and moreover, strong faith in liberal internationalism could not help to overcome the impact of the Cold War during that period of time. However, since 1990s both the countries are trying to have a matured relationship. So, the India-US relationship has witnessed a major transformation since the end of the Cold War. In this regard, the study would examine how the turnaround started in India’s relationship with the US since late 1980s and particularly from 1990s. The study would also examine main factors, which helps in transforming India’s relationship with the US from the Cold War bitterness to strategic cooperation.

Key Words: Cold War, Political Pluralism, Liberal Internationalism, Turnaround, Transformation, Strategic Cooperation


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