
  • Sarfaraz Ahmad Dar Firdose Ahmad Mir Research Scholar&3Research Scholar Deptt. of Mathematical Science and computer Applications Bundelkhand university, Jhansi-284128(U.P.), India



evelopment. In its contemporary formulation, the theory grows directly from advances in understanding complex and nonlinear systems in physics and mathematics, but it also follows a long and rich tradition of systems thinking in biology and psychology. The term dynamic system, in its most generic form, means systems of elements that change over time. The more technical use, dynamical systems, refers to a class of mathematical equations that describe time-based systems with particular properties. These branches of mathematics include control theory, homotopy theory, and matroid theory. As a complement to these varied perspectives, the approach of this paper is the study of algebraic Conditions for decomposition of large–scale linear dynamic systems.There are many articles concerning decompositions of polynomials (Alagar and Thanh, 1985; Bartoni and Zippel, 1985; Borodin et al., 1985; Coulter et al., 2001; 1998; Gathen, 1990; Giesbrecht and May, 2005; Kozenet al., [1, 2, 3, 4 & 5]1989; Kozen and Landau, 1989; Watt, 2008).

These methods deal with polynomials in numerical forms. The main idea is to find a decomposition f(x) = g[h(x)]. For example, let f(x) =  +6 + +9 + 3x− 5. It is possible to decompose this polynomial, where y = h(x) = + 3x and g(x) = + y − 5. For this type of decomposition, if possible, various algorithms are presented. In this article, a general method for decomposition of polynomials in the symbolic form f(x) = , aiis presented. Using computer algebra systems, it is possible to decompose polynomials of very high degrees.

Decomposition of large-scale linear systems into smaller dynamic systems is always possible if the eigenvalues of the state matrices which characterize the systems are known (Górecki and Popek, 1987). On the other hand, it is well known that, in general, algebraic equations of the degree n ≥ 5 cannot be solved in radicals when their coefficients belong to the rational field; see the theorem of Ruffini and Abel.

evelopment. In its contemporary formulation, the theory grows directly from advances in understanding complex and nonlinear systems in physics and mathematics, but it also follows a long and rich tradition of systems thinking in biology and psychology. The term dynamic system, in its most generic form, means systems of elements that change over time. The more technical use, dynamical systems, refers to a class of mathematical equations that describe time-based systems with particular properties. These branches of mathematics include control theory, homotopy theory, and matroid theory. As a complement to these varied perspectives, the approach of this paper is the study of algebraic Conditions for decomposition of large–scale linear dynamic systems.There are many articles concerning decompositions of polynomials (Alagar and Thanh, 1985; Bartoni and Zippel, 1985; Borodin et al., 1985; Coulter et al., 2001; 1998; Gathen, 1990; Giesbrecht and May, 2005; Kozenet al., [1, 2, 3, 4 & 5]1989; Kozen and Landau, 1989; Watt, 2008).

These methods deal with polynomials in numerical forms. The main idea is to find a decomposition f(x) = g[h(x)]. For example, let f(x) =  +6 + +9 + 3x− 5. It is possible to decompose this polynomial, where y = h(x) = + 3x and g(x) = + y − 5. For this type of decomposition, if possible, various algorithms are presented. In this article, a general method for decomposition of polynomials in the symbolic form f(x) = , aiis presented. Using computer algebra systems, it is possible to decompose polynomials of very high degrees.

Decomposition of large-scale linear systems into smaller dynamic systems is always possible if the eigenvalues of the state matrices which characterize the systems are known (Górecki and Popek, 1987). On the other hand, it is well known that, in general, algebraic equations of the degree n ≥ 5 cannot be solved in radicals when their coefficients belong to the rational field; see the theorem of Ruffini and Abel.


Vladimir IgorevicArnol'd "Ordinary differential equations", various editions from MIT Press and from Springer Verlag, chapter 1 "Fundamental concepts"(1999).

I. D. Chueshov "Introduction to the Theory of Infinite-Dimensional Dissipative Systems" first edition on the EMIS site (1999), ISBN:966-7021-64-5.

Roger Temam "Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems in Mechanics and Physics" Springer Verlag 1988, 1997.

Mostowski, A. and Stark, M. (1954). Advanced Algebra, Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, (in Polish). Perron, O. (1927). Algebra, Walter de Gruyter and Co.

HenrykGoreck. (2009). Algebraic conditions for decomposition of large scale linear dynamic system Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., Vol. 19, No. 1, 107–111.

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Alagar, V. S. and Thanh, M. (1985). Fast polynomical decomposition algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 204: 150–153.

Bartoni, D. R. and Zippel, R. (1985). Polynomial decomposition Algorthims, Journal of Symbolic Computations1(2): 159– 168.

Borodin, A., Fagin, R., Hopbroft, J. E. and Tompa, M. (1985). Decrasing the nesting depth of expressions involving square roots, Journal of Symbolic Computations1(2): 169– 188.

Coulter, R. S., Havas, G. and Henderson, M.(1998). Functional decomposition of a class of wild polynomials, Journal ofCombinational Mathematics & Combinational Computations28: 87–94.

Coulter, R. S., Havas, G. and Henderson, M. (2001). Giesbrecht’s algorithm, the HFE cryptosystem and Ore’s p8- polynomials, in K. Shirayangi and K. Yokoyama (Eds.), Lecture Notes Series of Computing, Vol. 9, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 36–45.

Gathen, J. (1990). Functional decomposition of polynomials:The tame case, Journal of Symbolic Computations9: 281–299.

Giesbrecht, M. and May, J. (2005). New algorithms for exact and approximate polynomial decomposition, Proceedingsof the International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation, Xi’an, China, pp. 297–307.




