
  • Hempal Singh B.D. Indu Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India.



The influence of Electron-phonon interaction, anharmonicities and point impurities phonon density of states (PDOS) of high temperature cuprate superconductors (HTS) has been investigatedbased on quantumdynamical many body problem using Double time thermodynamic Green's function theory via a non-BCS Hamiltonian as state of the art. The results thus obtained for phonon frequency widths and PDOS (resolved into diagonal and off diagonal contributions) are found to depend on temperature, impurity concentration etc.,has been applied to numerically estimate the DOS of representative HTS in (i) superconducting and (ii) normal regions. The automatic appearance of pairons emerges as a special feature of the present theory.

The influence of Electron-phonon interaction, anharmonicities and point impurities phonon density of states (PDOS) of high temperature cuprate superconductors (HTS) has been investigatedbased on quantumdynamical many body problem using Double time thermodynamic Green's function theory via a non-BCS Hamiltonian as state of the art. The results thus obtained for phonon frequency widths and PDOS (resolved into diagonal and off diagonal contributions) are found to depend on temperature, impurity concentration etc.,has been applied to numerically estimate the DOS of representative HTS in (i) superconducting and (ii) normal regions. The automatic appearance of pairons emerges as a special feature of the present theory.


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