A Comparative Study of Self Esteem of Visually Handicapped Students Studying in Special Schools & Integrated Schools


  • Dr. Anupam Jain


major, sensory, education.


In prehistoric period man was more dependent on senses but with the pace of time the coming of new ideas at an amazing speed has left an average man non plussed . Human beings need the acceptance and approval of the people with whom they live and work. We all need friendship understanding and love. The disabled are no exception. The visually impaired are a small group of pupils who are more similar to that different from their non handicapped peers. The major difference is in the need of visually impaired children for compensatory education to help them overcome the absence of vision an extremely important means of sensory input. (Orlansky, 1984). Right from the birth, the child is influenced by all the factors surrounding him though Individual differences due to genetic influences are beyond the control of scientists and educationists. One of the most common beliefs is that the development of the child is considered only from the point of view that development depends on what goes on in a school. The objective of education of disabled according to the NPE is to integrate the handicapped with the general community as equal partners, to prepare them for normal growth and enable them to face life with courage and confidence. The present study was under taken to study the effects of special schools and integrated schools on the self esteem of visually handicapped students


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