Study of reuse method and techniques in software engineering to reduce and optimize the cost of software


  • Dr. Samar Upadhyay, Mr. Bharat Solanki , Dr. Manu Solaki Dr. Samar Upadhyay, Prof. Govt. Engineering College, Jabalpur MP Mr. Bharat Solanki Asst. Prof. Shriram Institute of Technology, Jabalpur Prof. Dr. B.R Amdebkar unversity Agar UP


methodology, productive, feasible


Software engineers and managers faced with practical problems in developing software, especially Schedule, cost, and quality pressures. This paper will enable development and maintenance of software systems that are too complex to be designed and implemented by a single person.  Software reuse continues to be one of the hottest topics in software engineering. For the past few years, nearly every conference with a heavy focus on software engineering has included at least one paper session, panel discussion, or invited talk on some aspect of software reuse. Software reuse is the software engineer's attempt to model the process by which an electrical engineer designs circuits by using standard components with well-defined, well-documented interfaces. Reusable components can be found at any place in the software life cycle: requirements, design, code, test, integration, documentation, and maintenance. Reuse often allows the software engineer to be much more productive since total life cycle costs frequently can be greatly reduced. Research paper will focus on methods for reuse that are feasible without major investments in new software methodology, on cost estimation issues, and on certification of reusable software components. It will be based on experiences dealing with systems that are changing rapidly. However, it is consistent with software development using the rapid prototyping or spiral models of the development process. 



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