
  • Dr. Jitendra Singh Naulakha Asst. Prof. in Ancient History K.N.Govt.P.G.College Gyanpur, Bhadohi. (U.P.)



Ethics is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action of man. It is the study of right and wrong in human nature endeavours. Ethical values are the fundamental basis on which whole humanity is based. Values are the rules by which man make decisions about right or wrong, good or bad. Values denote the degree of importance of something with the aim of determining ‘what actions are best to do or what way is best to live’. It deals with right conduct and good life. Indian culture has two most important tenets: Human values and Holism. Human values refer to moral, spiritual and ethical values while Holism means oneness or unity. Indian Culture plays an important role in inculcating ethical values. This paper deals with all norms and traditions of Indian culture in various phases of Ancient India.



J.S. Mackenzie, A Manual of Ethics, p.1.

Oliver A. Johnson, Ethics, p.3.

Norman, R.1998, The Moral Philosophers- An Introduction to Ethics, Oxford University press, Oxford, p.1.

S.G. Nigel, Axiological Approach to the Vedas, p.7.

P.S.Sivaswamy Aiyer, Evaluation of Hindu Moral Ideals, Pp.7-8.

Kulkarni, C.M., Vedic Foundations of Indian Culture, p.71.

Ibid, p.71.

Radhakrishnam, S., 1923, Indian Philosophy, vol.I, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, p.147.

Raju, P.T., 1966, The Concept of man, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London, p.246.

Damodaram, K., 1970, Indian Thought- A Critical Survey, Peoples Pub. House, New Delhi, p.55.

Bhelke and Gokhale, Studies in Indian Moral Philosophy: Problems, Concepts and Perspectives, p.103.

P.V. Kane, History of Dharmashastras, vol. 2 p. 151.

Karl Potter, Presuppositions of India’s Philosophies, Pp. 1-29.

Kulkarni, C.M., Vedic Foundations of Indian Culture, p. 69.

M. Hiriyanna, The Indian Concepton of Values, p. 21.

S.G: Nigal, Axiological Approach to the Vedas, p.64.

Kautilya, Arthashastra, 1, 7:3-5.

Padmanabh. S. Jaini., 1979, The Jaina Path of Purification, Motilal Banasasidass, Delhi, p.89.

Raju, P.T., 1966, The Concept of Man, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London, p. 266.





