Organization and Possible functions of Dorsolateral Corticoid Area in Indian ring neck parrot (Psittacula krameri)


  • Sudhi shrivastava Assistant Professor (Guest faculty) Department of Zoology & Applied Aquaculture Barkatullaha University Bhopal (M. P)


Assessment and evaluation, effective learning outcomes, school system


: Detailed study of avian pallium provides apprehension, how birds are able to carry out higher order cognitive functions without a laminated cerebral cortex. However, birds are able to do so as major part of avian telencephalon contributes to pallium and is comparable to mammalian cortex, Parrots possess quite sophisticated cognitive abilities and vocal abilities carried out by nuclear pallial areas. Most of the telencephalic vocal control nuclei are in the pallium with one vocal nucleus in the striatum. Dorsolateral corticoid area (CDL) in aves is a part of corticoid complex and is located as a thin narrow part at dorso-lateral surface of telencephalic pallium. The present study was designed to explore the neuroarchitecture of parrot telencephalon with CDL in particular.

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Performance in schools is increasingly judged on the basis of effective learning outcomes. Information is critical to knowing whether the school system is delivering good performance and to providing feedback for improvement in student outcomes. This paper will present a preliminary framework for planning a proposed program that includes: a testing and data utilization component for identifying student learning needs and measuring achievement, and intervention components for teacher-level factors affecting students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills in the classroom. A core feature of the program is the use of assessment to inform improvement efforts at the level of classroom learning. Such a feature raises important questions on how assessments can be used to inform instruction and professional development decisions and how can assessment and evaluation policies work together more effectively to improve student outcomes in primary and secondary schools? These issues were identified by the framework and steps will be proposed on how to address them.

 There is widespread recognition that evaluation and assessment frameworks are key to building stronger and fairer school systems. It also emphasizes the importance of seeing evaluation and assessment not as ends in themselves, but instead as important tools for achieving improved student outcomes.

The construction of this framework has been guided by current evidence on what contributes to student learning and effective training and teaching practices as well as current views on the role of assessment in teaching and learning. It will serve to guide planners in assessing current capacities, identifying future directions, and planning cyclical monitoring for program enhancement.




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