Psychological Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour


  • Dr. Ravindranath K. Murthy Assistant Professor Department of Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad


Psychological Well-being, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational citizenship behaviour, Work Attitudes


Research on organizational citizenship behaviour attempts to discover and understand what makes employees engage in citizenship behaviour and how this can be used within the organization to enhance their productivity. The purpose of this research was to study and empirically examine the influence of psychological well-being, and emotional intelligence on organizational citizenship behaviour of executives. A cross sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. Psychometrically sound instruments were used to collect the primary data for the study.  The sample for the study comprised of 240 executives working in different organizations. Data analysis revealed that there exist a significant positive relation between psychological well-being and organizational citizenship behaviour and between emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behaviour among executives. The meaning of this result and implications of this finding are discussed in this study.



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