
  • Chhavi Gupta Lecturer, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Ginni Devi Modi Girls (P.G.) College, Modinagar, U.P


vitamin, smokes, techniques.


The study was conducted to assess the effect of vitamin C on hypertensive smokers (25-60years). 45 respondents were selected for the study through purposive sampling technique residing in Meerut and divided into three groups. 15 respondents in Experimental Group I (Hypertensive Nonsmoker), 15 respondents in experimental Group II (Hypertensive Smoker) and 15 respondents in control Group III (Hypertensive Smoker).

          Personal information, Socio-demographic, Medical information, Medical history (General Health, Hypertension & Morbidity and Treatment/Medications), Dietary History, Life Style Pattern, Anthropometric Measurement, Clinical Assessment, Biochemical Parameter and Dietary pattern (Nutrient intake through 24 hrs recall method) were assessed through questionnaire cum interview method.

          After collecting all the information from the respondents, 10 gm/day Amla chutney was distributed  to experimental group only for 40 days.

          After intervention of Amla chutney, Anthropometric parameters, Biochemical parameters (Serum cholesterol, LDL and HDL level), Clinical symptoms (Vomiting, Headache, Fever, Convulsions, Pain Discomfort and Fatigue etc.) and Dietary pattern (Nutrient intake through 24 hrs. recall method) were assessed.


          Result shows that, by using statistical t-test insignificant difference was found in height, weight and BMI of all three groups. The signs and symptoms i.e. vomiting, headache, fever, convulsions, pain discomfort etc. were present in respondents of both experimental groups before intervention. After intervention of amla chutney it made a beneficial effect on all the symptoms. Significant difference was found in the systolic B.P. ranges i.e. 160-200 mmHg. Significant difference was found in the serum cholesterol ranges i.e. 200-240 mg/dl. Significant difference was found in the LDL cholesterol ranges i.e. 130-160 mg/dl after intervention in both experimental groups. Significant difference was found after vitamin C intake in Group I and Hypertension is commonly referred to as "High Blood Pressure", is a Medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It is one of the most important causes of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and has become a significant health problem in many developing countries. 



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Jyoti Dave et al, 2007 fourth M.P. Science Congress. National Seminar on knowledge Based society Using Environmentally sustainable science & technology.





