Yogic Techniques of Managing Diabetes in Women, A Key to Enhanced Employee Performance


  • Dr. Kirti Diddi Mrs. Lata Pathak (M.A. (Human Consciousness and Yogic Science))


tangible, sustain, diseases


All of us have grown up with maxims such as, ‘health is wealth’, ‘a healthy mind resides in a healthy body’ and so on. True, a healthy mind and body are proven prerequisites to a productive individual contributing positively to society. The same is true for business organizations as well. The general health of any organization, as also the health of its profit margins, depends upon the health of its human resource, which again is a crucial determining factor in quality performance of its employees. In an era of cut throat competition, where, enormous intellectual as well as tangible resources are being pumped in to sustain competitive advantage, lost productivity at work is an important concern for employers, employees, and nation at large. Due to several contributing factors, with unhealthy lifestyle leading the race, non communicable stress induced diseases are rampantly on the rise. In organizational contexts of quality performance of human resource, the impact of stress on valued work outcomes is generally conceptualized in terms of work, organization, and occupation related factors.




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